Marketing & Communication/Communication techniques

Communication techniques

Do you actually know how to communicate? See, most people take communication for granted. They speak, they listen- but they never really find out what it takes to connect with the person in front of you. Miscommunication is the root of countless, frustrating, easily avoidable issues – in families, in relationships. And at work. Dive into our Communication techniques courses and discover the truth about successful communication. Learn how to use your newfound communication skills to get ahead at work. Find out how to talk to people without ever being ignored or misunderstood. Sign up today and learn how to communicate effectively.

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allCoursesWithinSubtheme Communication techniques

Communication Management

Communication Management, cpProfessionWithFuture

In this Communication Management self-study you'll learn how to expertly communicate.


NLP, cpProfessionWithFuture

Start your career as a communications specialist and conquer the market.



Good communication is a professional skill that’s valued in any business sector – which means that you’d be in demand anywhere. You’ll find out how to make your thoughts and ideas known, and you’ll master various new communication techniques to help you get through to others. You’ll also increase your emotional intelligence and get better at managing your emotions. Good communication is what enables teamwork and keeps companies running smoothly. It’s what lets departments work together and ensures that every employee knows what’s happening in the company.

Whenever I'm interviewing someone, they ability to communicate is one of the things I test first. Good communicators can make or break a team - naturally, I want to hire people that'll be a good fit. All managers do. Verifiably improving your communication skills is among the best things you can do for your future career. - employerSpeaks


The way we communicate is determined by the time we live in. Communication experts are usually curious, intuitive people. Internal workplace communication has changed in the last few years. As new generations enter the workforce, internal messages need to be brief and to the point. The rise of home offices is also relevant here. Companies suddenly need to find ways to stay in contact with telecommuters and keep them involved in the workflow.

Communication techniques, hundredPercentOfTheTime

The way we communicate has drastically changed over the past 10 years - and it keeps evolving. Recently, for example, there's been a shift toward direct communication. Everyone is facing a lot of information on a daily basis, so it's important to get your message across in a quick and straightforward manner. Additionally, with technology evolving, people engage visual and interactive communication mediums more than old-fashioned ones.

I've been a communication manager for a while, and if I've learned one thing, it's this: There's always something else to learn.   The way we humans communicate is amazing. It's complex, it's varied and ever-evolving. There's so much to learn about the differences between offline and online communication alone. Developing public campaigns, press releases, crisis communication - all of those require a different approach. I love the different challenges my job presents me with, and I love rising to the occasion! - exStudentSpeaking

Thomas Verlinden
Thomas Verlinden


Language is an underappreciated tool we, as parts of a society, use every day. Think about it: if you learn to get along with people better, to communicate more easily, that's a powerful career tool. You'll improve the productivity of any team you're a part of and you'll be great at teamwork.


  • If someone tilts their head as you talk, that means they're paying attention
  • Over 90% of our communication is nonverbal
  • Studies show about 45% of people believe they could communicate better


